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Category: Bolt Action Inventory

MISB Browning A-Bolt, Boyds Stock 375 RUM 32″ – $3000

Browning A-Bolt action with SWS Rifles’ MISB barrel chambered in .375 RUM with 8″ of baffling and 24″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 32″.

MISB Zermätt LWH 375 H&H 28″ – $4770

Zermatt controlled round feed action chambered in 375 H&H with 8″ of baffling and 20″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 28″.

MISB Razor Ti LWH 338 Lapua 28″ – $4050 (Lightly Used)

Razor Ti action chambered in 338 Lapua Magnum with 8″ of baffling and 20″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 28″. Lighly used, less than 100 rounds.

MISB RPR Barrel 338 Lapua 28″ – $2250

SWS Rifles’ MISB barrel for a Ruger Precision Rifle chambered in 338 Lapua with 8″ of baffling and 20″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 28″.

MISB Razor Ti Barreled Action 338 Lapua 28″ – $4150

Razor Ti barreled action chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum with 8″ of baffling and 20″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 28″.

MISB Bergara Premier Barreled Action 8.6 Blk 22″ – $3150

Bergara Premier barreled action chambered in 8.6 Blk with 8″ of baffling and 14″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 22″.

MISB Bergara Premier Barreled Action 300 WM 28″ – $3150

Bergara Premier action chambered in 300 WM with 8″ of baffling and 20″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 28″.

MISB Remage Pre-Fit Barrel 308 Win 22″ – $2250

SWS Rifles’ pre-fit MISB barrel for R700s and clones with a Savage barrel extension chambered in .308 Win with 8″ of baffling and 14″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 22″.

MISB Gunwerks Barreled Action 308 Win 22″ – $3625

Gunwerks GLR barreled action chambered in .308 Win with 8″ of baffling and 14″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 22″.

MISB Bergara Premier Barreled Action 308 Win 22″ – $3150

Bergara Premier barreled action chambered in 308 Win with 8″ of baffling and 14″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 22″.

MISB Premier XLR Hunter 7 RM 28″ – $4725

Bergara Premier action chambered in 7 RM with 6″ of baffling and 22″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 28″.

MISB Razor Ti Barreled Action 7 PRC 27″ – $4050

Razor Ti barreled action chambered in 7 PRC with 6″ of baffling and 21″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 27″.

MISB Bergara Premier Barreled Action 7 RM 28″ – $3150

Bergara Premier action chambered in 7 RM with 6″ of baffling and 22″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 28″.

MISB Bergara Premier Barreled Action 7 RM 26″ – $3150

Bergara Premier action on a Shilen barrel chambered in 7 RM with 6″ of baffling and 20″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 26″.

MISB Gunwerks Ti Adjustable Hunter 7 RM 28″ – $6383

Gunwerks Ti GLR action chambered in 7 RM with 6″ of baffling and 22″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 28″.

MISB Bergara Premier LWH 7 RM 26″ – $4348

Bergara Premier action chambered in 7 RM with 6″ of baffling and 20″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 26″. Reference number: 3615

MISB Bergara Premier LWH 7 RM 26″ – $4348

Bergara Premier action chambered in 7 RM with 6″ of baffling and 20″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 26″. Reference number: 3611

MISB Premier XLR Hunter 6.8 Western 26″ – $4300 (Lightly Used)

Bergara Premier action chambered in 6.8 Western with 6″ of baffling and 20″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 26″. Lightly used, less than 20 rounds.

MISB Bergara Premier Adjustable Hunter 243 Win 22″ – $4478

Bergara Premier action chambered in .243 Win with 6″ of baffling and 16″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 22″.

MISB Bergara Premier Barreled Action 223 Wylde 22.5″ – $3150

Bergara Premier action on a Shilen barrel chambered in 223 Wylde with 6″ of baffling and 16.5″ of effective rifling for an overall barrel length of 22.5″.

MISB Defiance AnTi-X XLR Hunter 22 CM 24″ – $5623

Defiance AnTi-X action with SWS Rifles’ MISB barrel chambered in 22 CM with 6″ of baffling and 18″ of effective rifling for an overall length of 24″ in an XLR magnesium chassis.