MISB CMMG AR-9 Upper 9mm 16.5″ – $1950

- Caliber: 9 MM
- Baffling: 8″
- Effective Rifling: 8.5″
- OAL Barrel: 16.5″
- dBs: 130 Subs / 135 Supers
- Handguard: SWS M-Lok
- Handguard Length: 15″
- Bolt Carrier Group: CMMG Radial Delay Blow Back System
- Utilizes standard AR-15 lower receivers and Magpul magazines with CMMG’s 9mm conversion spring and follower system
E-mail sales@swsrifles.com, call (832) 759-9634, or use our contact form for orders and inquiries.
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